Showing posts with label shield. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shield. Show all posts

Monday, January 8, 2018

As He pleases

Wow, the way God speaks in answer to prayer!
I was praying today and I prayed about different things and I felt led to pray for our government, for the leaders, that God will change their hearts, convert them, bring them to salvation. That they will rule our country according to His word, His will and that many in this nation will turn to Christ.
(Many in our government are corrupt, in rebellion to God, our rulers loving dishonour.)

This is what God says to me through His word and through a commentary by John Gill (I love his commentaries):

The "shields" are the rulers of the earth. They are to be a shield to us and a protection to us. The Lord raises them up and sets them down as He pleases and their hearts are in His hands and He can convert them when He pleases and gather them into His Son and His church.

Our safety and protection is of the Lord who is King over all the earth.
Christ, who has all power in heaven and in earth is highly exalted at the right hand of God, and angels, authorities, and powers, are subject to Him.

So I will keep on praying, for they are in His hands and He is the Potter who makes one vessel of clay for honour and another for dishonour.

Thank you Lord that YOU are in control and your will is done on earth as in heaven. Amen.