Showing posts with label Jesus our hope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus our hope. Show all posts

Monday, March 19, 2018

God of hope

Greetings to you in Jesus' blessed Name saints of God.

 A while back, in a comment on a local news article, a woman said that we have no hope in our country and that even God has lost all hope in our country South Africa.  That is not true.  Why would God lose hope when He is the God of hope?!
Jesus is our hope, the foundation of our hope and in believing, He fills us with all joy and peace so that by the power of the Holy Spirit we may abound in hope!
What hope is that?  The hope of righteousness by faith (Gal. 5:5) which we heard in the truth of the gospel  (Col. 1:5) and our hope of our inheritance of eternal life in heaven with God because the Holy Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are God's children.  What great hope we have!
What kind of faith speaks of no hope in God to heal our country?  That is unbelief!  We have to pray for our country and believe God and trust God to do a work in our country, in the hearts of the people, for His glory alone.  He shall do it!  God wants our faith.  He does not work without faith.  It is impossible to please God without faith. 
Someone who speaks in such hopelessness and unbelief is not praying for our country in faith.
Is anything impossible for God?  No, nothing is impossible for God.  So we have hope for this nation of ours and you for yours, whichever country you are in. 
God has not forgotten us and He never will. 
The Lord longs to be gracious to us;
    therefore He will rise up to show us compassion.
For the Lord is a God of justice.
    Blessed are all who wait for Him!

(Isaiah 30:18)  [In faith!:)]
Be blessed in Jesus' Name.  Have a happy day. #KeepPraying #NeverLoseHope #JesusIsLORD