Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Happy Easter

Good day to you in Jesus' blessed Name.🤗💞May our focus be especially on what Jesus did for us in His great love for the whole world. Let us spread the hope to all who do not know Jesus yet. Let this Good News that is like a healing balm spread all over the earth.
Blessed Easter weekend to you and your loved ones.

#ALLaboutJESUS #JESUS #OnlyJESUS #TellTheWorld #DontHoldBack #ForTheSakeOfPreciousSouls #TheCrossWasEnough #BloodOfJesus #WithoutSheddingOfBloodNoForgivenessOfSin #JesusLambOfGod #SacrificedForOurSins #ResurrectionPower #JesusConqueredDeath #JesusGivesEternalLife #FREEDfromSIN #NoLongerSlavesOfSin #DeadToSin #LiveYourLifeToGod #LiveHolyLives #SoliDeoGloria #GloryToGodAlone 💞✝️🕊️